Music Triggers

Music Triggers


[1.12.2] Home Trigger not working properly?

Dynamo76-png opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug
I have no idea what's causing this issue. I put the home trigger and then added the song. What else am I missing?
There is no identifer for the trigger.

To Reproduce
Just input the Trigger and then input the song.


Can you share your main config file for the channel and your musictriggers.log file (found in logs/mods)


I have the same issue


# Please refer to the wiki page located at
# or the discord server located at
# for any specific questions you might have regarding the main config file


		detection_y_ratio = "0.6"
		fade_in = "60"
		fade_out = "100"
		trigger_delay = "80"
		song_delay = "60"
		priority = 555

		identifier = "day"
		time_bundle = "day"
		fade_in = "60"
		fade_out = "100"
		trigger_delay = "80"
		song_delay = "20"
		identifier = "night"
		time_bundle = "night"
		fade_in = "60"
		fade_out = "100"
		trigger_delay = "80"
		song_delay = "20"


		triggers = [ "time-night" "home" ]


[12:36:31:796] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Initializing client channels
[12:36:32:030] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[channel_name] - Registered local sound engine
[12:36:32:258] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Registered local sound engine
[12:36:32:261] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Registered trigger home
[12:36:32:262] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Registered instance of trigger time with identifier day
[12:36:32:262] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Registered instance of trigger time with identifier night
[12:36:32:471] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[example] - Registered local sound engine
[12:36:32:485] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Assigned triggers [ time-nighthome] to audio gravity
[12:36:32:628] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[example] - Seekable track loaded to id gravity from file[gravity.mp3]
[12:36:32:628] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[main] - Seekable track loaded to id gravity from file[gravity.mp3]
[12:36:32:628] [Music Triggers/INFO ]: Channel[channel_name] - Seekable track loaded to id gravity from file[gravity.mp3]

Is it like this issue or is it not working anywhere #165


Coordinates of the spawn point: -223 76 145. I set a new spawn point at coordinates 999 100 200 and the music started playing again, as I indicated.


Closing this in favor of #165 since it seems to be a duplicate