Music Triggers

Music Triggers


Game crashes after applying changes

Nolascoeli0 opened this issue · 2 comments


Im working on a medieval map and I’m using custom npcs. However, I wanted to hsve custom music for boss battles and different scenarios, so I downloaded this mod. The thing is i don’t even know how it works. The stuff in the wiki with all of the brackets is confusing cuz i don’t see that in the gui. But also, another issue is that when I try to edit a song and apply a trigger, it either doesn’t play and only has a ticking sound on constant loop, or the game crashes. So I’m asking how to use the mod and why it crashes and if there’s any incompatibility with any mods?


The gui is getting an overhual in 6.0 that should make it easier for new users


6.0 has been released so I am closing this