Music Triggers

Music Triggers


[1.16.5] Music Recorder no longer works.

bauerbach opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug
The Music Recorder is completely broken in 5.4 on version 1.16.5. The item in the GUI shows up correctly, but when placed, the block just shows up as a pink and black cube and right-clicking it does nothing.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Place a Music Recorder from the Creative menu.
  2. It will display as a pink and black cube in the world. Try right-clicking on it.

Additional context
Game Version: 1.16.5 (Forge)
Mod Version: 5.4-hf


The texture is just broken but it should still work as intended. Right click a blank record into it when a song is playing and it will get recorded


This has been fixed in 6.0