Music Triggers

Music Triggers


Game Crashes with BetterEnd Reforked due to config option: "blendBiomeMusic [default: true]": true

RobertHDPotatoes opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
Music Triggers Version: 4.1
BetterEnd Reforked: 2.5
Forge Version: 36.2.8 / 36.2.23 (tested on both)

Issue: When "blendBiomeMusic [default: true]" from the betterendforge/client.json config file is set to true, which it is on default, the game will crash after defeating the Ender Dragon on a clean install with only Music Triggers and BetterEnd Reforked installed (and crafttweaker/jei). If you set that config option to false, the game will not crash anymore.

Crash report:


I forgot to respond to this earlier, just wanted to let you know that I've seen this and will be working on a fix. Thanks for the report.


This should be fixed now