Compatibility with Pixelmon
Nillecram opened this issue · 2 comments
v1.4.2 broked compatibility with Pixelmon
public static boolean ALUMINUM = OreDictionary.getOres("ingotAluminum").size() > 0 || OreDictionary.getOres("ingotAluminium").size() > 0 || THERMAL || IE || TECHREBORN || SUBSTRATUM || BASEMETALS;
Does not return true.
Perhaps because the ingotAluminium that should be ingotAluminum.
Thanks in advance for the correction.
Keep the good work.
PS: I love your mod 🥇
That boolean checks for both spellings. The oredict checks would only really do anything if the mod were to load before Mystical Agriculture, so I'll have to add Pixelmon to the checks manually.