Mystical Creations

Mystical Creations


agricraft crop sticks

DabbingEevee opened this issue · 7 comments


seeds added with this mod are incompatable with agricraft crop sticks like normal mystical agriculture seeds. would it be possible to add support for that easily?

in addition there is no phytogenic insulator support, but that isnt as big of an issue as i can just use craft tweaker

as of right now both needs to be manually added and is quite painful to do.


Guess I'll try to "bump" this - since it's been almost 3 months since I last checked if anyone was going to do anything along the lines of Custom Crops/Custom Tiers for Mystical Agriculture for 1.12.2...

I'm not sure if Focamacho would necessarily say they "have the time" for this project. Though, it would be nice to see at least one update [and maybe a hotfix if there's a serious issue].

As of the time being, I'm in kind of "a situation" in my modpack, where I originally planned for there to be 9 seed tiers, and I can only use 6 as of the time being. Also can't add crops for things that isn't supported by Mystical Agriculture/JAOPCAAgriculture without having to use ResourceLoader to ensure Agricraft Compatibility [this wouldn't be as much of an issue if it didn't mean cramming even more seed types into 6 seed tiers].

I'm still hopeful to see an update on this project, though, if it's just pointless to keep waiting, guess I'll use CraftTweaker + ContentTweaker to add tooltips, "essences", and edit recipes to reflect the original idea I had.

[I will note that I have been checking back here multiple times a month, so this isn't the first time I've checked in 3 months]


Checking back, since it's almost been a year now (or even has been a year by now), depending on where you start the timer. I used the CraftTweaker + ContentTweaker idea for the custom seed tiers, but I still check back on the custom tiers idea here, just in case.

Also, still waiting to see if Agricraft Compatibility will ever be fixed for Mystical Creations, since I'd still like to see about adding this mod into my modpack, mainly for ingots and gems that lack seeds.


Sorry, I'm not having enough time for this right now.
Maybe this temporary solution can help you:


I understand the lack thereof regarding time [been there before quite often], and I really appreciate the potential workaround to the issue with Agricraft compatibility. If you have some time this coming summer to work on this mod, I'd look forward to this fix and my suggested enhancement being implemented. [As it won't be until sometime this summer that I plan to work on the modpack I was talking about.]

If it won't be anytime in the near future - I'm sure I'll find a way - just won't be the easiest thing.


Any update on this? Would really like to be able to use this.


I'm actually very curious on when this enhancement will be ready. I'm looking into making a modpack for 1.12.2 [Soon™], and some of the mods in the pack don't natively have Mystical Agriculture Support [Built into the mods themselves]/Mystical Agriculture doesn't support them. I look forward to when [or if] this enhancement is finished, as I think this is VERY much needed (still) in 1.12.2.


I have tried adding the crop via Agricraft [manually], and while I can get it to acknowledge the default Cake Seeds, and the default "Stage 0" displays properly when planted, after that, it stops rendering the plant, even though it's mostly just Mystical Agriculture until it's mature.

The error I'm encountering is "java.lang.RuntimeException: ALREADY CONSTRUCTING VERTICES". This error turns the plant invisible whenever it grows [Causing CCL to report that there's a problem], and it's also the error that keeps crashing the game whenever I search in JEI or in Creative Mode within the "Search" Tab.

I managed to get a pink screen in Minecraft before it crashed again by just simply making a clipping of the invisible plant, meaning that the clippings are effected by this issue as well. [As I attempted to have it use the seed item texture on the clipping bag]

The fix you suggested here would plausibly fix the issue since it would possibly allow such code as "mysticalcreations:blocks/cake_crop" and "mysticalcreations:items/cake_seeds" to work in the Agricraft JSON files, instead of possibly having to rely on the base crop texture [white] to be even remotely stable.

For those of you that might be wondering - I did grow the invisible crop to Mature and it DOES drop the cake essence as it should.

[Edit] Another thing that might work is if paths like "mysticalcreations:blocks/cake_crop" pointed to the same system that creates the crop's "item" and "seeds" textures.

[Another Edit - Low Priority Suggestion] I have been having an idea that maybe in the .json files for making seeds, it might be an interesting idea to see a "custom" option that allows you to specify a file path for the top part of the seed/crop essence [only if custom is picked, though]. The path would then be locked to searching for a valid .png in config/mystical_creations in which an image with a matching file name could be loaded using the mod. Could be useful for "making crops/essences look like the real thing".