Mystical Wildlife

Mystical Wildlife


MysticalWildlife defines entries on classes that it does not own

LuminescentMoon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This can cause crashes that only appear on a client connected to a dedicated server (not integrated).


defineId called for: class net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable from class lykrast.mysticalwildlife.common.entity.EntityFurzard
defineId called for: class net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable from class lykrast.mysticalwildlife.common.entity.EntityYagaHog

See MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge#5129 for more details about this issue.

This issue is that EntityDataManager is used for tracking entity data. Instead, the modern approach is to use Forge Capabilities. Here's a handy tutorial on how to implement them here.


Yeah that's an oversight. It's fixed on the 1.14 version so I'll make a small update to the 1.12 to fix that then.


Fixed for next 1.12 update ( which has been sent to approval on cf.