


In 1.20.1, cannot load a map created in 1.19.2

rikigeek opened this issue · 4 comments


Hi, when trying to load a world save created in 1.19.2, I first get a message "Errors in currently selected data packs prevented the world from loading". When trying the safe mode, it fails, telling me the world contains invalid or corrupted data.

Step to reproduce

Start MC 1.19.2, forge 43.2.3, with the following mods:
[✔️] Botania-1.19.2-440-FORGE.jar
[✔️] curios-forge-1.19.2-
[✔️] LibX-1.19.2-4.2.8.jar
[✔️] MythicBotany-1.19.2-3.0.2.jar
[✔️] Patchouli-1.19.2-77.jar
[✔️] SandBox-1.19.2-1.0.1.jar
Java is version 17.0.9, using 64-bit architecture
Create a new world, save and quit

Start MC 1.20.1, with forge version 47.2.0, Java is version 17.0.9, with the following mods:
[✔️] Botania-1.20.1-443-FORGE.jar
[✔️] curios-forge-5.7.0+1.20.1.jar
[✔️] LibX-1.20.1-5.0.12.jar
[✔️] MythicBotany-1.20.1-4.0.2.jar
[✔️] Patchouli-1.20.1-84-FORGE.jar
Copy the world created in 1.19.2 and open it.

Error messages

Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Missing data pack mod:sandbox
[Render thread/ERROR] [minecraft/LevelStorageSource]: WorldGenSettings: Unknown registry key in ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:worldgen/chunk_generator]: sandbox:noise missed input: {"mythicbotany:alfheim":{generator:{biome_source:{horizontal_scale:48.0d,layers:"mythicbotany:alfheim",type:"sandbox:layered",vertical_scale:120.0d},settings:"mythicbotany:alfheim",surface_override:"mythicbotany:alfheim_surface",type:"sandbox:noise"},type:"mythicbotany:alfheim"}}
[Render thread/WARN] [minecraft/WorldOpenFlows]: Failed to load level data or datapacks, can't proceed with server load

Log files


Let me know what I can do to help you with this issue. Thanks!


That is known and there is nothing, I can do about it, sorry. It should not happen again in further updates though.


Oh... bad news. Do you know if there is a way to "manually" edit my world save to remove those "registry key"? Or any clue you can give me?
I play on a map for one year now with my son, and we definitely don't want to start from scratch :(


You could edit the level.dat file and remove the Data -> WorldGenSettings -> dimensions -> mythicbotany:alfheim part. This may however break your alfheim worldgen at the chunk borders of what has been generated in 1.19. (Or maybe just make them look weird because of blending, I am not sure.)
Also make a backup before you edit level.dat.


Ok, I will have a look on this. Thanks for your feedback. And thanks for your mod, this one is awesome!