


[Feedback] Alfsteel feeling lackluster

MuteTiefling opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I've been messing with the mod for a while and just wanted to offer some feedback on the tools. Overall, they're feeling somewhat lackluster.

Take the armor, for instance. It is, for all intents and purposes, the same as Terrasteel. Yes, you get a minor runspeed, jump, and reach bonus but someone who's using Botania heavily already has access to these sorts of bonuses with other trinkets.

Compare this to the other armors:

The Manaweave set which offers a massive bonus to tool usage, but very little protection
Manasteel offers greater protection but less of a bonus to mana.
Elementium is greater protection still and has the very unique bonus of summoning the fairy sprites.

Each has it's own unique flair to it. Something that makes it stand out from the other armors. Alfsteel just seems like it needs something a little more unique too. Also, I'm not sure I follow the massive increase to durability as these things self repair with mana anyway.

Then there's the tools.
Alf blade? Bigger numbers
Alf Shatterer? Bigger area (diminishing the value of the Gaia relics)
Alf Truncator? Built in magnet when a magnet ring is cheap to make?

They all just feel like they're missing something special. Something unique. Something that would make the player actually want to spend the mana to make them.

I think the Alfsteel Pylon achieves this quite nicely, filling a niche that nothing else in Botania really does: Repairing non-botania items. This feels like a wonderful addition and I can see myself using it in the future.

I'm honestly not certain what to suggest as suitable ideas here. I guess the question comes down to this: What's special about Alfheim? What sort of theme should it impart on it's materials? What kind of story is being told?

Anyway, thanks for reading :D I hope you take this in the positive spirit it was meant.


@yuriy145 piercing through mobs will be added in the 1.18 update.


Suggestion for alf blade. The projectile should pierce and/or ricochet between mobs.