Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Searching quadrillium crashes the game

QTPieMuffet opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Issue with the current fabric release for 1.19.2 with the mod



I believe that this is a incompatability with Facility.
Facility includes Frex, a library that Canvas uses for rendering.
Mythic Metals includes Canvas support when using the Lumi Lights shaderpack, but it seems that it is unconditionally loading, causing a crash if it is not present.
Will look further into the issue.


Yeah, going over it the Lumi Lights compatability is severely out of date.
It breaks if FREX is present and you are not using Canvas + Lumi Lights.
I might make a resource pack or something for this at a later date, but for now I am just going to remove it from the mod.