Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Celestium Can be made without Carmot

DJSwamp opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I may get overly wordy, don't really know how to do these. Just pointing out a potential error in coding/recipes, when making Celestium Ingots in an Alloy Forge. In essence, you can use Star Platinum, Kyber, and Unobtainium ingots to forge Celestium without Carmot.
Generally you require Starrite, Platinum(or their alloy Star Platinum), Carmot, Kyber, and Unobtainium to forge Celestium, either in raw, ore, or ingot form.
However, if crafting with the Ingot Recipe, and specifically using the Star Platinum Alloy version, Carmot is not included in the recipe. This does not seem to be an intended recipe, as other recipes using alloys tend to just replace any alloy's involved ingredients, not remove others from it.

This recipe can be checked in REI and easily confirmed in game.


Which version of the mod are you using? I believe this is fixed in the latest releases


Oh jeez, I am going to have egg on my face if this is a "Wrong Version" issue. Lemme check


Yeah, this one's on me, my bad. I wasn't aware the server this modpack is linked with didn't have the most recent updates. Feel free to close this.