Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Player keeps getting dropped from server

FeyrAmy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft 1.19.2
Fabric Loader 0.14.14
Fabric API 0.73.2

The player keeps getting dropped from the server, removing the mythic metals mod seems to have fixed the issue. Other players with the same (custom) mod pack are unaffected. The error seems to be "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -1 out of bounds for length 9"


Here are the player's crash log and latest log files.


The server is not hosted via open to plan. I used aternos (also sorry for the close/reopen I've never used github :')

Edit: If need be, i can have them try connecting to the server again, and then send me the files just to see if the "integrated singleplayer server" specified in the crash report comes up again.


The crash seem related to Reach Entity Attributes somehow. I will look more into it once I have more time.
I do have to ask if this server is hosted via "Open to LAN", as the crash report specifies an integrated singleplayer server.


I would like that, since this crash is kinda hard to pinpoint


Are you still experiencing this issue? If so please re-open it. For now I will close it as it is getting kinda stale.