Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Recipe book not loading

hoekzemaar opened this issue · 7 comments


Using version 0.17.5 on Fabric 1.19.4.

Recipe book is not loading at all. Have tried with EMI, JEI and REI. None will load recipes and don’t show up in crafting table either. Removing Mythic Metals immediately solves the problem on restart.

Have tried via Curseforge & AT Launcher. Fresh install, new world and saved world.


For your info. Manually removing the recipes from this folder solved the issue with regards to the recipe book not loading: \mythicmetals-0.17.5+1.19.4.jar\data\mythicmetals\recipes\mythril_drill\


I am going to need a list of your mods with your log, since this does not happen with Mythic Metals alone. Sounds like a compatibility issue.



I have tried removing almost all other mods one by one and the issue remains for me.


Confirmed the issue. It is indeed the Mythril Drill recipes breaking due to the Smithing Table recipe handlers breaking. I fixed this for the Midas Gold Sword recipes, but not the Drill. Sorry for not noticing it sooner, I will look at deploying a fix soon


If you get the chance, could you try out the artifact produced by this commit? Your issue should be fixed, and as a result it should no longer crash:

I can have this released tomorrow if it solves the issue.


That has solved it for me thanks


Fixed as of 0.17.6. Thanks you for testing and reporting!