Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Issue with recipes via Alloy Smelter

Oscienet opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Looks like there is another issue with tags, because via Alloy Smelter argonium's recipe (Midas Gold+Midas Gold) isn't the same as via Smithing Table (Gold+Midas Gold)
Similar issue with celestium, via smelter it's recipe is Quadrillium+Starrite and via table its Kyber+Starrite
Here are screenshots from REI, as an example, again
image image
(I think you are already aware of this, but just in case, I've still reported it)


Was aware of the Argonium issue. Midas Gold can be used as gold, hence the double recipe shenanigans. I was not aware of the other issue however. Thanks for putting it up.


Should be fixed in latest commits