[1.20.1] This mod made my modded mc crash (Exit code 1) even after i removed the mod file from my mods folder
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I'm using Forge with Sinytra Connector and Forgified Fabric API to use fabric mods. I downloaded this mod and its dependencies and put them in my mods folder, and loaded mc; it crashed and gave me exit code 1. I took the files out of the folder, deleted them, restarted mc, and restarted my computer. Tried to play modded mc again and it still crashed
This is most likely not related to this mod at all. It is impossible to tell without knowing
- What version of Sinytra + Forge are you using?
- What version of Mythic Metals + its dependencies are you using?
- Did you install Connector Extras? Mythic Metals uses multiple dependencies that need it to function correctly
- Please attach your logs and/or crash report. Exit Code 1 is meaningless (default message for crashing while launching)
Okay, I forgot to say this in the original post, but after MM and its dependencies crashed I downloaded the real Fabric API to see if that would help (ignore my stupidity), which resulted in minecraft crashing even though I took out the mods.
Through some experimenting I eventually fixed the issue and mc was able to run normally without crashing, so i tried to reproduced the crash, then checked the crash log, which did not provide a crash report.
Please do not open issues that are solely due to user-error (your fault). You likely are just missing Connector Extras, which I already told you is required.
Sinytra mentions this in their documentation. Read the manual! https://sinytra.org/docs
Also, if you do not send logs you will not get any support. It is impossible to just guess what your problem is out of nothing.
- alloy-forgery-2.1.2+1.20
- Connector-1.0.0-beta.46+1.20.1
- ConnectorExtras-1.11.2+1.20.1
- fabric-api-0.92.2+1.11.9+1.20.1
- mythicmetals-0.19.9+1.20.1
- owo-lib-0.11.2+1.20