Mythic Metals

Mythic Metals


Mod crashes dedicated server when loading REI plugin

MasonGulu opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When attempting to launch a server with REI and Mythical Metals installed, the server crashes.

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Rerached side issue when loading REI plugin by Mythic Metals. Please use "rei_server", "rei_client" or "rei_common" instead.

This was using the latest 1.19 release of Mythic Metals (at the time of creation) on the latest version of Fabric.



I've realized that REI works entirely clientside, or at least the features that I require are, so for now I've just removed it from the server pack. I'll leave the issue open for now, but if that's the intended solution then I guess it can be closed.


The solution for this is a 1 line fix in the fabric.mod.json as the REI entrypoint is wrong.

This line should be rei_client instead of common.


I have made a release on CurseForge fixing this crash. I will keep the issue open, as I have not pushed the code yet


Thank you for the fix