Nbt Crafting (Fabric)

Nbt Crafting (Fabric)


[bug] Vanilla recipe book doesn't show nbt-tagged ingredients after reload

DuncanRuns opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Version: 1.15.1, vanilla client on a server with NBT Crafting 1.2.11

Exact same issue as #30, which was fixed, however the issue comes back once using a /reload.
The issue does not continue through a server restart.

To reproduce:
Use any recipe with nbt-tagged ingredients and use the command /reload. The nbt-tagged ingredients will be missing.

Expected behavior:
After reloading, the nbt-tagged items should show up as an item without nbt rather than no item at all.


That's really strange ๐Ÿค”
Fixing it this time will probably take a little longer.


This might be gone in the latest alpha release.
Can you check that out, please?


Just tried on a 1.15.1 server, and it is fixed for that.
I imagine it won't make a difference updating my server to 1.15.2 but I'm about to do that anyway so I'll let you know if it works on that as well.


Then I'll consider this as fixed ๐Ÿ˜‰
Thanks for bringing it up.


It does work on a 1.15.2 server too.