Neat (Fabric/Quilt)

Neat (Fabric/Quilt)


Configureable with Fabric's Modmenu mod

Dannydads opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I know the mod says it's highly configurable on the download page, but uh... I cant' seem to figure out how to configure it at all. It would be awesome if it would show up in the Modmenu mod a lot of other mods can use. I'd like to disable the creature's name, and the text on the health bar, leaving only the bar hanging above their heads.


yeah it says very configurable but i dont see a single config file. Can't figure out why it's showing me the creature ID under the health bar
"Id: Pig"
where is the configuration in this "highly configurable" mod? tired of this


where is the configuration in this "highly configurable" mod?

In the config folder of the instance, like every mod has done for the past 12 years

tired of this

and I'm tired of unproductive snark and no one volunteering to step up and do the work

