Neat (Fabric/Quilt)

Neat (Fabric/Quilt)


Interference with Botania 1.8 wisp particles

williewillus opened this issue ยท 2 comments


This is more aimed at @61352151511 since they ported it to 1.8.x:

If a Neat unit frame and any Botania wisp particle is on screen at the same time, the wisp particle loses all of its alpha transparency.
I'm not sure whose fault it is, Neat for not cleaning GL state or Botania 1.8 not setting it correctly, so opening an issue on both. See williewillus/Botania#38


Where my port does the exact same calls as the 1.7 version it may have existed from the start, check and see if it does this with 1.7.10 botania and neat


Can confirm, it does not.