Neko's Enchanted Books

Neko's Enchanted Books


Not marked as a client-mod with forge.

iMahco opened this issue · 2 comments


Low priority issue!

You can make a mod mark itself as client-only in order to remove the red X that appears on peoples screens when loading up multi-player server list.
Would appreciate if that was implemented!

Starting up a server with some friends and wanted to throw this into the pack but previous worlds has shown me that having to let everyone know the X can be ignored always draws concern, especially if their computer or connection just can't manage to join the world; that x is always the go-to blame, gets annoying letting them know the world is fine and its just their pc's lol.

Thanks in advance!! <3 Really love the book art!!


This has been done in Release 1.3! Thanks for bringing it up + the kind words! <3