Item Interface Pipe won't connect to most modded inventories
Amperthorpe opened this issue ยท 5 comments
What Version of NeoTech are you using: 2.4.1
If possible, did you break and replace the block: Yes.
No crash.
This may only be visual. While I'm experiencing the same visual effect in NeoTech 2.4.1 with EZ Storage 1.2.6, items are still routing correctly.
None are using IItemHandlers I assume. We only work with the new forge standard. You'll have to wait for those to update
Closing this as not an issue, the issue is other mods are not implementing the new system correctly. Give them time and they will update I'm sure
Can't you use InvWrapper / SidedInvWrapper for this? You'll still use an IItemHandler and have compatibility with mods that still use IInventory / ISidedInventory.
This is a little snippet I use:
public static IItemHandler getItemHandler(TileEntity tile, EnumFacing side) {
if (tile == null) {
return null;
IItemHandler handler = tile.getCapability(CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY, side);
if (handler == null) {
if (side != null && tile instanceof ISidedInventory) {
handler = new SidedInvWrapper((ISidedInventory) tile, side);
} else if (tile instanceof IInventory) {
handler = new InvWrapper((IInventory) tile);
return handler;
Yes I could that is not the issue. Forge has stated to stop supporting those methods. While it may add compatibility with other mods, it also encourages those mods not to update. We will do things the way forge intends and other mods will have to do the same. There is no point in supported depreciated classes