Netherite Nuggets [Fabric]

Netherite Nuggets [Fabric]


Mixin @Final field warning spam on launch

K0-RR opened this issue ยท 4 comments


[23:57:37] [main/WARN]: @Final field field_7885:Lnet/minecraft/class_3528; in netheritenugget.mixins.json:NetheriteNuggetArmorMixin should be final
[23:57:37] [main/WARN]: @Final field field_8928:Lnet/minecraft/class_3528; in netheritenugget.mixins.json:NetheriteNuggetToolMixin should be final


I was just about to make a report for this, myself.
I wonder if the WARNs are any actual issue, or if they can be ignored?


I'll be honest, I don't like developers who don't fix bugs unless they break the mod. This is still a bug and unnecessary spam. Why not make a mod perfect and be proud of what you have achieved?


Hey y'all - I missed this Issue when it was filed because I didn't have push notifications yet enabled for GitHub on my phone. I'm picking this up today.


Fixed in revision 46b7e8d - uploading new version to Curseforge now.