Nicer Skies

Nicer Skies


Single gradient colour for sky backgrond

Finsider opened this issue ยท 3 comments


hello again, I've been using this mod for quite a good while, I have also been using the nebula-less night sky due to me liking the gradient so much. but I noticed that there's four different gradients (red, green, blue, and yellow) on the skies. So I think a single gradient would look cool! thanks!

(I truly loved the green gradient' one, they look so beautiful)


The gradient is produced by transforming the coordinate space straight into colours (basically, X becomes red, Y green, and Z blue).

How would you suggest transforming all three into a single colour? This is a nice idea but I need a bit of feedback on what you'd expect it to look like, cause there's many ways to do it :)


To accomodate for this i'd also probably have to migrate to a better config library, cause managing my own code for it is becoming very burdensome. I'll look into that.


I thought about something like changing the different color into the desired one

so it may look like this
(X color, Y color, Z color)
but I think it would be a hard one

or maybe just using the existing 4 colors, and having a button that has 4 different options

(Single Gradient Mode) (Checkbox)
(Single Gradient Color) (Red, Green, Blue, Yellow)

hence it would look like this, ex:
(X blue, Y blue, Z blue)

and then you can change the gradient strength through the 'nebula strength' or 'background strenght'

honestly either is fine, if there's a better way to do it then I guess It's up to you, but I would expect them to look like a single gradient in the skybox