No More Useless Keys - NMUK (Fabric)

No More Useless Keys - NMUK (Fabric)


Don't bundle with Amecs API

NebelNidas opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Is there a specific reason as to why Nmuk is bundled with Amecs API? I understand why it's bundled with the user-facing Amecs (non-API), but as a developer, I'd like to only get the libraries imported I'm declaring myself.

Edit: How does the current system even work? Aren't you creating a circular dependency via these two lines?


There is no circular dependency. As you can see in the lines linked by you (the lines below) there is an exclude module: "amecsapi-${project.minecraft_major_version}" and also the other way round. This mean that the amecsapi artefact is ignored when including nmuk.
Also the other mod artefacts are not "bundles" as you described it. Bundeling would mean that the final mod jar would include the other mod jars (artefacts). But this is not the case. These artefacts are only included with modImplementation so that we can use the classes and methods of these artefacts when compiling.
So if you want to only have nmuk or amecsapi on you classpath/compilepath then also add these exclude rules.