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Support elliptic curve encryption, for example ed25519 and/or ed448

Jan69 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Support ellptic curve encryption, for example ed25519 and/or the slightly newer ed448
although given they're signature algorithms, would probably only apply after #234


elliptic curve keys are just as secure as RSA, at WAY smaller sizes (at least until quantum computers get powerful enough), which in turn lets you fit more actual text in a single message (and less spammy to those unaware of the key)

but unlike AES, they're asymmetric (separate private/public keys), meaning they'd need #234 as a prequisite

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I suggest adding the x25519 key exchange, and then using the common secret to do AES operations.

This makes it possible to exchange keys in-game. But the broadcast would be a huge pain.