No Chat Reports

No Chat Reports


Client-side chat encryption

dallytaur opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Could do something where you encode a scramble version of the patched player can do code leaving a "this message needs no chat reports mod to read" followed unseen chat message that can be unscramble by the patch.

it allows patched game player to talk to each other safely while also promoting the mod.


That doesn't make much sense without server's collaboration, because on big servers you will just get muted by local moderators for spam if they want to support chat reporting, and if not - they will have something like NCR on server itself. I leave such thing open for future consideration, but at this point I wish not to integrate anything like this into this particular mod.


Just to keep a log of what we've discussed: this may still be useful for private Realms, as that currently has no reliable way of preventing chat reports.
Perhaps the Realm owner could add some kind of color code sequence to the description, that would automatically activate the encryption for all clients that have NCR? And the key could be created by some metadata properties of the server.


In the works, will be available as part of next release.