昼間の設定は、初日に設定された昼間の範囲でのみ機能します [バグ] | Daytime setting only works with the set daytime range on the first day [bug]
SilearFlare opened this issue · 0 comments
24000ティック(1 minecraft日)を追加すると、Mobがスポーンします。 これは、この関数がその目的を果たしたため(mobがティック0(朝)からティック19000(夜遅く)にスポーンするのを停止し、作業が終了したためです。
正しい関数は、追加の日ごとにn + 24000の追加、またはそれらの線に沿った何かを必要とします。
Now in english.
dim:0 & mobtype:monster & daytime:0-19000 will stop monsters from spawning until tick 19000 (few hours past midnight)
if you add 24000 ticks (1 minecraft day) then mobs will spawn. This is because the function has served its purpose (it has stopped mobs from spawning from tick 0 (morning) to tick 19000 (late in the night) and has now finished its work.
This is not only basically useless, but also not what is presented in the wiki, and seems like a bug that was never tested.
The correct function would need an n+24000 addition for each additional day, or something along those lines.
I don't think anyone even checks this repo anymore but I'm having an issue that only this specific setting would fix, and it's broken.
A guy yelling at the void.