Nomadic Tents

Nomadic Tents


[Request] More tent types

skyjay1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


_ForgeUser29324074 said:

Is there the possibility of more tent types? Square Roman tents, elaborate medieval pavilions, fantasy-inspired trader's tents, etc.
Great mod.

_ForgeUser1998431 said:

I'd like to append also another type of tent. An inflatable raft tent.
It's not a tent for real, but I really enjoy the idea of a movable base and I would like something to travel the oceans (other mods are involved in the travelling of course, I'm just interested in the tent aspect). Here there isn't the possibility to place a block due to the all around water situation so it could be an handy workaround to make this tent more like a throwable item that auto mounts itself.

scribbler957 said:

I would like to see some techno options, like the Star Trek modular shelters. Not necessarily the original vision, but they are a 23rd century version of nomadic tents.


i know it's not technically a tent but if the idea is a building that's "bigger on the inside"... a tardis would be cool.


napoleonbonaparteorignal said:

Do you know what your mod needs? Military tents, are similar to Bedouin tents but the top is an arch instead of a triangular shape, in addition to its walls have patterns of green spots. Also, one thing that I liked about your mod, is that I can deactivate the tents that I don't want to be crafted and I was thinking about adding your mod to a post-apocalyptic modpack and obviously a military tent is more in line with a world postapocaliptico that a military tent of cultures of the past that by then could be given as lost.