Nomadic Tents

Nomadic Tents


ItemColors crash and potential mod conflict

afolk2 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


This crash only happens if The Midnight is installed as well. If you respond and tell me this is an issue for that mod creator I will post the issue there.


Probably fixed in Nomadic Tents 10.0.2, please try it out and let me know if there are still problems


Well, that's strange. I have no idea why ItemColors registration (which I use to recolor the Shamiyana tent item) would cause a crash, and it's even stranger that it only happens when The Midnight is installed. I'll take a look when I have time (which might not be until the weekend) and try to fix it.


The same crash happens with Doggy Talents if The Midnight is installed too. So i am thinking it's an issue with The Midnight.


I just looked at The Midnight git and they are saying "midnight 0.4.4 is made to run on 28.0.45-28.0.51. The devs are in the process of updating the mod to run on forge versions 28.0.75 and above".
It looks like I just might have missed that, or it was never mentioned and could be causing the problem. I'll update this if it still happens after.


Ok, thank you for letting me know. I'll keep an eye on this