Nomadic Tents

Nomadic Tents


Major Issue - All the recipes are messed up with Nomadic

P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Every recipe reads small yurt ... The others still work but figuring out the recipes is kind of a nightmare >_<


Closing as stale and not actually a bug.


I am okay with you closing the issue but please don't question my basic computer knowledge of the term bug.

A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

Yes I did google that but it proves I know what "bug" :D


So unless you intended JEI to fail - it is a bug ^_^


My apologies. I misunderstood the original post to mean that the recipes and NBT formatting was not working with inter-mod recipe editors. As for JEI, the 9.4.0 update has some fixes that may help with this.


I will gladly look into it. I love your mod by the way.


I take it back - I cannot delete a world which I have had for 2 months sorry :( unless hm ... will the old tents break or is it the old tent dimension that will break?


Tent doors will most likely no longer work, and tent items will have the wrong NBT data. Basically, the locations of all your tents will be erased (even though the tents and stuff inside will still be there).
If you're determined enough, you can follow these instructions to get new tent items that have the correct NBT location data, and your items will not be affected. Although I don't think the tent copy tool will work and you will need to use complicated /give commands.
The equation to get the "ID" value (here) uses the door X and Z positions: ID = ( [x] / 32 ) + ( [z] * 2 )
You could also take everything out of the tents before updating.
Sorry for the major inconvenience.

Taking this into account, I added a functionality for updating tents that might work - deconstruct all of your 9.3.x tents, place them in your inventory, and then update to 9.4.1. The tent item should automatically calculate the correct tent ID and update for you. There may be occasional conflicts when you craft a new tent, so be careful. And as always, make a world backup before trying this.


thank you. When I get my server host maintenance done - I will try this