Nomadic Tents

Nomadic Tents


[Feature Suggestion] Use Minecraft Schematics to populate interior

khionu opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This would be useful for giving players a tent with some basics to start.


1.16.5: Tents now use .nbt structure files. More configurable features are planned.


I see. I might give it a swing. In case I can't get to it, can I ask that you leave this issue open for others to see?


A couple people have suggested supporting configurable "extras" to spawn in a tent, like chests or furnaces or other blocks (see Issue #6 ). Overall I decided that it's a great idea, but it's a little out of scope for this mod. However, there is hope! If you can find a modder who is familiar with Minecraft Schematics (which I'm not), they can do some event-handling to do anything they want when a player enters a tent. See this comment .