NotEnoughItems Unofficial 1.7.10

NotEnoughItems Unofficial 1.7.10


The GT Ore vein information page overlaps with multiple entries and is rendered completely illegible

SilearFlare opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Here's a picture worth more than a thousand words.
2021-04-17_20 13 34

A bit of an added information: I am using a dead GT6 NEI handler that is rather hard to find, let me know if you need the actual handler for this in case if it's possible to make a per-handler exclusion to reduce the amount of ores displayed to 1 per page in case.

Thanks in advance!


Awesome, thank you! Got it to work with the config route, and now that I know how it works I can tweak the handlers myself.


For any other mods please consider sending a PR or handler info in an issue so we can ship it by default


A few bits of information I'll need:

  1. Hover over the tab and hold SHIFT; it'll give the relevant handler information
  2. Go to NEI Settings --> tools --> data dumps --> Handler Dump [CSV]. It'll dump a csv of all registered handlers, yours should be listed as UNKNOWN. Copy and paste the handler class
  3. Update the issue

Alternative 3) Go to NEI Settings --> Tools --> Load Config from --> {Jar} and change it to CSV; Edit the config/NEI/handlers.csv, add your handler (following the patter), adjust the handlerHeight. Then SHIFT click the NEI settings wrench, which will trigger a handler reload. Assuming there's no error logs, close and reopen the handler and it should be updated.