Crash when fusion reactor been running a while.
Njet75 opened this issue · 13 comments
Experince crash with no direct link to Nuclear-Physics.
I´ll tested thru 194 mods and when I take out this mod it doesn´t crash.
Started happen whith nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.34-dev and still present in nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.35.
look in debug log 3 timestamp 14:21:17.
Hope this helps.
Might be a conflict with journeymap because I get this log sometime.
*Edit /I Think the crash happens when the server lags.
@Njet75 Hmm. How often does this happen? Having a hard time tracking down this, this crash should not happen at all....
@Njet75 Could you also try this without OptiFine? Some other Forge modders thought maybe that is the issue.
It happens randomly.
I will test without Optifine but pretty sure I did try without.
It might be another mod that does something strange.
I keep testing and get back.
Must show you this.
Haha Something Went really wrong with my testing.:)
This reactor worked with nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.33-dev but stpoed after 5 min.
Tested with latest build nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.35 and this happens.
Shortly after the server crashed.
Tryed removing Optifine but will test Weather2 mod.
Just had to show it :)
@Njet75 So you mean plasma is destroying the electromagnet blocks?
EDIT: I confirmed and fixed the plasma escaping reactor issue, will be some time to next release though.
Done some more testing.
With latest build nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.36 no plasma spawn .
I reverted back to nuclearphysics-1.12.2-0.1.28 and found out that maybe the reactor stops because
of the Mekanism mod.
When I replaced the pipes the reactor started working again.
Will do some more testing and come back.
I know this error, ConcurrentModificationException occurs when ArrayList element was removed inside a loop by these ArrayList's elements
No plasma spawns at all in the fusion reactor.
No relevanse to Mekanism mod.
@Njet75 Do you mean that no plasma spawns at all in the fusion reactor or that it doesn't run wild?
@nictrace Yeah, it's supposed to be fixed now. Problem was multitreading where different threads was altering the HashMap storing values.
@Njet75 Do you still experience this issue? Is the crash still occuring with the latest version? Plasma issue should be fixed now.