


Missing Recipe for Graphite Dust

D3nnis3n opened this issue · 11 comments


Hey, i have got no recipe for Graphite dust. How am i supposed to create it?


@D3nnis3n Check the binding of your R key. In packs with Inventory Tweaks, R is used for sorting the inventory and overrides JEI's R (even when hovering over the JEI panel).

It may also be related to your pack. I'm running AllTheMods3 and due to minetweaker scripts, there is no recipe for NC's graphite dust. The pack authors have changed the Manufactory to produce ExtremeReactors' version of graphite dust.


Not sure what's happening there but it must be a conflict of some kind. I just created a clean instance with only Forge 2517, JEI, RFTools and NuclearCraft 2.5a. Hitting R over the Graphite Dust correctly brings up the recipe for creating Graphite Dust from Coal in a Manufactory.


Can I ask if this issue persists?


Going to close this as I think there is ample reason to think that this is not an issue on this mod's end.


Okay, i can not see the Manufactory when pressing U on coal. I can also not see ANY recipes when pressing R on Graphite dust. You might want to check that. (Recipe works, though.)


Very bizarre - what version of NC are you using? On the latest version, I see the recipes fine.


2.5a. Pressing R on the coal dust does open nothing. But it'S interesting. If i press R in my inventory or in the JEI Screen on the right, nothing happens. Do i press it when i created it in the machine Output Slot of the Manufactory it DOES indeed Show. lol

Graphite Dust in JEI Screen or Inventory -> R does nothing
Graphite Dust in the Output Slot of Manufactory -> R works.


Could just be a strange bug somewhere - if you have any core mods installed, then sometimes weird stuff like that happens - you mentioned having Sponge installed earlier which might be doing something funny.


Nope, Sponge is now disabled for CraftTweaker, but that doesn't Change anything. Also Sponge is not installed on the Client, usually. It's a Server mod like bukkit was some years ago. :D