


Question: Where rf/heat and reactor (cooling) components setup can be found in code.

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Hey, I'm trying to find the location where the base rf/heat p.t. for the fuels is stored, as well as the setup requirements and heat dissipation for the different cooling blocks. As I could not find them in the code, I'd thought I'd ask here :)


As a clarification, I'm looking for the code where these restraints are set. I'm already aware of the many great locations (wiki's e.a.) where we can get the numbers.

I've found some numbers in the src/main/java/nc/config/ file.

If I take for example the fission cooling rate:
Property propertyFissionCoolingRate = config.get(CATEGORY_FISSION, "fission_cooling_rate", new double[] {60D, 90D, 70D, 120D, 130D, 120D, 150D, 140D, 120D, 160D, 80D, 160D, 80D, 100D, 110D}, Lang.localise("gui.config.fission.fission_cooling_rate.comment"), 0D, 32767D);

We can find the usage in the metaEnums java file.

Current remaining question: Where can I find the required neighboring blocks to the respective cooler?
Or perhaps a more clear question: Where is the rf/heat per tick generation calculated for a (fission) generator?


Many numbers are in the config.


As Fatmice says, every fission fuel stat is set in the configs. They are then used in the fission recipes.

The energy/heat calculation is done in the fission controller tile entity class.