


Question/enhancement: Dense Cobble generator malfunctions?

sharkbite3105 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


I recently started using FTB revelation modpack(1.5.0 currently) and crafted a dense cobble generator, the tooltip states that it creates 128 cobblestone/s could this be clarified? it seems to only make 10 stacks about every minute or so, this observation was made by itemducting into an iron chest.


Try putting a chest right next to the cobble generator - it should push out the correct amount of cobble. If not, then we have a bug. If not, then the itemduct doesn't seem to be pulling out all of the cobble being produced.


yep did the same thing with the chest next to it, timed it this time, 10 stacks every 50 seconds-ish, the helium collectors do a similar thing except I don't have that at dense just compact, 160 buckets on a similar time interval


2018-03-16_22 22 51
2018-03-16_22 23 41


That is very bizarre... I am not able to recreate this, either with the mod installed on its own or in FTB Revelation (1.6.0). Which version of NC is 1.5.0 using?


1.5.0 FTB Revelation uses nc 2.9d


alright so when the "internal buffer" of the generator is "full" it searches for a chest to kick it to got it, still doesn't explain the 50 seconds thing on our server though, like you said bizarre.


What if you create a brand new world and just place one next to a chest? This is a tad tricky because, as I said, I'm not having the issue.


alright I tried it in my singleplayer testing world and its faster by a factor of 10, so it seems to be closer to what your tooltip indicates (10 stacks every 5 seconds). But with me being the only person on a server running at 20 tps it still does the 10 stacks every 50 seconds. When you place the chest, is it continuously placing 2 stacks in every second?


To minimise lag, the cobble gen (and those other similar blocks) updates every 5 seconds, so the dense produces 10 stacks every 5 seconds by default. I can only imagine that something about your world is causing it to slow down... not sure what that could be though.


Yeh, as I said before, I'm really not sure why that is happening to you - just really bizarre, but I will close this issue as I can't reproduce it (you seemed to show it was an issue specific to that world) and there isn't anything I can do to fix it.