[Suggestion] Config option to disable Nuclearcraft "crushed quartz"
brdagr opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello, I am playing on FTB Revelations 1.8.0 version 2.9e--1.12.2 and I am trying to pulverize Nether Quartz into Nether Quartz Dust (from AE2) so I can smelt it into silicon. Nuclearcraft overrides these recipes and does not have a config option to disable either the pulverizer or furnace recipes. Additionally, either Nuclearcraft or something else is disabling the AE2 "crushed nether quartz" item from being in the game.
It would be nice to have a config option to either not get "crushed quartz" from pulverizing Nether Quartz, or to disable the furnace recipe of "crushed quartz" turning back into nether quartz, and just let AE2s oredict tell the furnace to turn the dust into silicon.
Thank you for your time.
Hi there - I think your issue is not with this mod, but with the pack itself - AE2's nether quartz dust is disabled, and Actually Additions' crushed quartz smelts to nether quartz.
I don't add any crushed quartz smelting recipe - I suspect Thermal Expansion is creating ore dict recipes from the vanilla furnace recipes, hence why NC's quartz works in the TE furnace but not the vanilla one.
I also don't have control over which type of quartz dust is produced in the TE Pulveriser - it probably just sets the output to the first instance of 'dustQuartz' it finds.
You don't really have much choice other than to just use certus quartz dust, or alternatively you could process sand in the Manufactory.
Hi, sorry that I made the issue in the first place. I thought because I wanted to smelt nether quartz dust into silicon that I needed to disable the nuclearcraft dust that was preventing it, but there is a simple workaround by using a crafttweaker script to change around some recipes. Otherwise your dust plays fine with other mods because its in the oreDict, so thank you for your time and again sorry for creating this issue in the first place! :)