1.12.2 fusion reactor core hitbox bugged.
glh290 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The fusion reactor core has several hitboxes, an you can only collect the NBT data from the center of the bottom of the block, causing issues with other mods block detection such as quests and waila. check Darkosto on twitch.tv to see this issue.
There's really not much I can do about that to be honest. That's just sorta how the fusion core... works. It's got a core block that holds all of the data, and the dummy blocks just point to it when it comes to fluid and energy transfer. It is possible to get some of the information about the core from the dummies, but I can't expose absolutely everything as far as using jsons are concerned.
I suppose I could save some of the data directly in the dummy, and I'll happily do that if you let me know what you need :)