NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


[Suggestion] Radiation detection badges

ElectroBot opened this issue ยท 5 comments


One time badges that would work with Baubles slots. They would lose durability as they detect radiation and could give status updates (every 10% lost or something) either in the text field above the XP bar or in chat.

EDIT They should have a max durability below player's max, so maybe 100-250 rads each.


Would love to see even the current Geiger Counter as a Baubles feature. I still like the badge idea though it can be 100% silent with no display until something bad happens then you get alerted.


I've now added Baubles support for the geiger counter for the next build - do you still think it would be worth adding detection badges given the info the geiger counter can supply?


It would be neat for packs that use radiation and could make the badges onetime and cheaper, but have the Geiger counter be a later game item


Good point!


Added :)