NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


Pebble Bed Reactors

asomedude9897 opened this issue · 2 comments


so here’s the idea for the possibility for pebble bed reactors. i have a few ideas it would be based on radio activity. So, the reactor would be 5X5 (x whatever Hight is wanted). It would Have one main fuel rod. In the controller you would put radioactive materials. And around it would go________
Idea 1: along the sides would be thermo electric generators powered by a gas of some sort. These generators would make differing rf based on how much X is being produced X=(amount of pellets in reactor*radiation output of pellets) the gas could be something like super cooled helium. This would be burned by the thermo electric generators cool themselves.

Idea 2: Along the sides of these there would be a gas like liquid helium. This would cool the reactor and turn into hat helium this would be the same as the heat exchanger but instead have solid fuel making the heat from radiation. This how gas could then be put through a heat exchanger at a low heat conversion rate.

This method of producing rf or hot gasses would be highly radioactive. I would make the radioactivity they produce = to the amount of pellets. When I saw amount of pellets I mean that each cell can hold a stack of pellets.


pebble bed reactors would so the same since we are throwing the size limit out the window. So, it would need a special port on the top and a line of reactor cells underneath going to the bottom oc the reactor vertically. thermo electric coils would go along the sides of these these coils would be tiered basic, advanced, elite. the higher the tier the higher the output.


this idea would take alot of refining but this would be the ground layer :)