NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


Radiation Scrubber not working

LokeYourC3PH opened this issue ยท 14 comments


So I have an issue with the Radiation Scrubber. I watched the video tutorial on how to use it, however it has no effect on the polluted chunk at all, even when placed far up and apart from things and powered, the Radiation Removal Rate = 0 at any given time. Screenshot:
2019-03-23_17 47 17

Please advise for further steps to fix this. Thanks.


The issue still persists, please reopen. I updated to the latest version both server and client side, still removes 0 rads per tick even though I purposely heavily irradiated the chunk the scrubber is placed in @turbodiesel4598 .


So the tooltip still states that it's removing 0 Rads/t at an efficiency of 97%?


So the tooltip still states that it's removing 0 Rads/t at an efficiency of 97%?

That is correct, even with 1mRads/t in the chunk it is in.


Have you tried breaking and replacing or waiting for the scrubber to update?


Have you tried breaking and replacing or waiting for the scrubber to update?

Yeah tried all of that, I have replaced it many times and waited multiple hours sometimes for it to update, does nothing still. I have tried checking with GriefPrevention Debugging if that somehow causes an issue with the permissions or so, but the Radiation Scrubber and Radiation do not cause events that needs permissions, so they never showed up in the log either.


I can do any debugging necessary, tell me what and I do it, if you have a debugging/verbose enabled version of the mod, or if there is a config toggle, then tell me and I do what is needed :D


Are you playing a pack on the Twitch launcher or through MultiMC that you could send to me? I don't really know what more I can ask for given that I can't recreate the problem.


Are you playing a pack on the Twitch launcher or through MultiMC that you could send to me? I don't really know what more I can ask for given that I can't recreate the problem.

Yeah I am playing on a modpack as a matter of fact on the Technic Launcher, look for "Stargate Galaxy", that should do it :D


I've downloaded your pack, created a new world and placed a scrubber down - it seems to be working fine for me. Are there any actual radiation sources in the chunk? The scrubber will lower the radiation level by quelling the radiation produced by sources. If there are no sources, the scrubber will show 0 Rads/t, but the radiation level should drop. I'll add extra scrubbing from the current radiation level - that should sort the confusion :)


Oh I see, so if there are no active sources, then it will show 0? Alright, yeah that is why I always think it does nothing XD

EDIT: Yeah, you were right, I added an active source of leaking radiation, it does indeed quell that. Issue resolved then.


Issue resolved perhaps, but in the future it'll be much more obvious that something's happening. Thanks for the heads up!


Which version of the mod are you playing with? Is that 61 nRads/t of radiation latent chunk radiation or coming from your inventory?


Which version of the mod are you playing with? Is that 61 nRads/t of radiation latent chunk radiation or coming from your inventory?

I am playing with 2.13e on 1.12.2 and yes, that is from the chunk, not inventory.


Ah - if you update tho the latest versions of the mod, the scrubbers will work properly, although as you may see others have pointed out issues with these versions, which I'm trying to get to now ;)