NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


Decay Generator stops working after world reboot

pyure opened this issue ยท 3 comments


To reproduce:

  • Create a functioning decay generator:
  • Thorium -> Decay -> Ion Battery
  • Observe power being generated
  • Log out to menu, re-enter
  • Ion Battery is no longer receiving power.

Could also simply be the battery failing to receive power rather than the decay generator failing to produce power.

Workaround: Replace either the Thorium block or the Battery, and generation of power resumes normally.

Possibly connected: I lost 40k power from ion battery after closing the modpack completely to tweak mods, but I could not reproduce this.


Ah, forgot to have the recipes refresh on reloading the game. Fixed for the next build ;)


7 minute turnaround observed :p


Gotta love a one-liner :P