NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


Automation configuration is broken

twothe opened this issue ยท 20 comments


I yesterday tried to automate Nuclearcraft machines using Refined Storage, but had to learn that machines are severely broken when it comes to automation.

  1. Despite what you set in the configuration panel on the machine, input is always expected from above and output is always expected to be taken out from the sides. If you try to output from above it will actually take out items from the input slot, and inserting input items from the sides is simply not possible.

  2. Any sides configuration is only accepted if you press the enter key, even though there absolutely no hint that this is required or even possible.

  3. Setting sides to output in the input slot configuration doesn't seem to do anything, nor is it in any way intuitive.

  4. Machines completely refuse to take in fluids form automation, which makes it impossible to automate the fluid infuser properly. All you can do is to overflow the machine with one fluid and then build several of them, one for each fluid.

  5. Automating input and output slots for upgrades is not only confusing but also allows for easy exploitation, since you can just build one stack of each and just have them automatically inserted into the machine which is currently in use.


Cheers, I'll take a look. In the meantime, perhaps you could see if you can recreate the issue in a clean pack which only includes NC, TD, etc.?


I will try.


Not reproducible with just the basic mods. Now I am intrigued.


Still seems to work fine on your pack though - I can push/pull items/fluids from the infuser as specified by the configs...


@twothe Though I did only test in singleplayer with your pack. Does it happen in singleplayer for you, or just on a server?


I tried to reproduce it on the server, but couldn't. My theory is that the recent restart has fixed the issue. Should it reappear I will try to investigate further.

The only issue that remains is that the RS crafter cannot insert fluids.


I've not used RS that much before - how do you set up the crafter to deal with fluids? Also, are item inputs working fine with the crafter? If so this bug is becoming a rather niche one to fix :P


Item inputs do work fine.

Since RS is a major mod like Applied Energistics I wouldn't call it a niece, but that's up to you.

The way you set it up is that you put down a (creative) Controller, crafting grid, pattern grid and disk drive with item storage and fluid storage disks. Then you attach the crafter to the machine (the blue dot side has to target the machine) and make sure everything is connected either face-by-face of via cables.

Then you create a pattern in the pattern crafter by selecting "processing" and use any crafting recipe that uses fluids from JEI and hit the + button. The recipe is now in the pattern (the fluid is shown if you switch between item and fluid vie), press the arrow down button to save it. Then put the pattern in the crafter and you should be able to craft that recipe at the crafting terminal.

The big benefit of doing auto-crafting this way is that you can setup the Melter to produce i.E. Destabilized Redstone from redstone blocks (1 block = 900 mb) and have another crafting recipe in the Fluid Infuser i.E. Fluxed Electrum Ingots, which require 200mb. If you request a Fluxed into RS will first use the melter to produce destabilized redstone, then move 200mb of that into the infuser and stores the rest for later.


Well, that's fair enough, but what I mean is that if other transport mods are working fine, then code-wise there may be a very specific interaction between RS and NC going on which is causing it to break, and that may be tricky to fix :P

Anyways, thanks v. much for the walkthrough! I wasn't aware that RS had added fluid support. Again though, I wasn't able to recreate the issue - I set up a uranium oxidation recipe for the infuser and it appeared to work fine.


I now feel a little bad that all the issues could not be reproduced :/

Have you tried setting up anything with destabilized redstone?


Don't worry, Minecraft is weird like this sometimes :P

I've just tried a destabilised redstone recipe, shibuichi -> signalum, and it worked fine. Maybe you have the fluid input config disabled on the side you're trying to export to?


Hey there - would this happen to be happening in single player or on a server? Just so that I know which to recreate the problem on. Also, which version of the mod is this?


Multiplayer, v2.18a.


@twothe I've been unable to replicate this on my test server so far. Does this only happen with RS or is it occurring with any item/fluid transport? Also, what do you mean by hitting the Enter key? That key isn't responded to in NC's GUIs.


The bug happened with Refined Storage and Thermal Expansion (partially). RS works fine with all other mods so far, and TE had the issue that I was pulling with a servo from above, but instead of picking the output items it took the input items (no matter what I set on the I/O gui).

I changed the input/ouput configuration and the machine was constantly forgetting the setting the moment I closed the GUI. At some point I learned that if you press enter while in the configuration menu it actually keeps the setting. This was 100% reproducible.


Hmm... again, can't reproduce. I'm using Thermal Dynamics to test with at the mo. When you say 'forgetting the setting', do the buttons reset too? Could I perhaps see screenshots of your setup and the side configs you're setting? As you can imagine this is a bit tricky to 'debug' :P


There was actually nothing special I did. Essentially a TE itemduct with a servo on top of the machine and a RS crafter at the side. Same for the buttons: I hit the configuration button and no matter what I changed in that config the machine forgot it a moment later. And I tried a lot of possibilities for a while, it was broken all over.

I am wondering if this is some cross-mod issue. The pack I am using is this one:


Any luck with this @twothe? I really do apologise to act hurryingly, but I'm about to make some massive refactors to the mod and it'd be nice to sort out all of the outstanding issues :P


After re-configuring the Melter's input those recipes mysteriously work fine again. I am deeply sorry for sending you on a ghost hunt like this.


No worries! Things like this happen, and you responded very fast to all my questions ;)
You also taught me how to use fluids in RS recipes, which will be useful in the future :P