NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


wasteland dimension still generates even if false in config

MasterBuilder747 opened this issue · 2 comments


yeah i know this is a dupe of #282 , but i still see it in my Biometweaker config outputs, so i believe its still there... i did set it to false in the config


The biome is still registered for use by other mods and the wasteland dimension - it just shouldn’t generate in the overworld :)


Hey, @turbodiesel4598 , sorry for the late reply, ive been super busy with school, heres a screenshot depicting BiomeTweaker, which lists the dimensions that are registered in output files, which is updated every game launch. I wasn't referring to the biome (which does get deregistered), i was referring to the dimension:


the ID btw is 4598