NuclearCraft: Overhauled

NuclearCraft: Overhauled


Crash report whenever I head into a radiation zone

i1-iu opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I don't know what causes it, mainly because I cant read crash logs, but it might be because of all the mods I have :)


This is a bizarre error is a few ways... I really can not understand how it has manifested itself. I can only hope that when I update the mod, the issue goes away... maybe try version 2o.5.4 in the meantime?


Oof. Well thanks for looking at it, I will mess with the configs and see if I can accidentally fix it.


Any luck? Also, I notice now that you are using Optifine. I can't think how that would be causing the problem, but are you able to test without it?