


Ion Thruster recipe failing to load

2CATteam opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello! I've been playing around with Powersuits for a while, and I've really loved it! I've been using it in a custom modpack, and I think I've found a small issue which causes the recipe for the Ion Thrusters to not properly load. Digging through the files in the Numina 2.2.32 .jar file I have installed, I've found the place where the recipe is defined, and I think I've been able to identify the issue.

Here's the formatted version of the file, located at [jar_file]/data/numina/recipes/components/ion_thruster.json:

	"type": "forge:conditional",
	"recipes": [
			"conditions": [
					"type": "forge:not",
					"value": {
						"type": "forge:tag_empty",
						"tag": "forge:ingots/copper"
			"recipe": {
				"type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped",
				"mirrored": true,
				"pattern": [
					" CO",
					"SG ",
				"key": {
					"C": {
						"item": "numina:component_field_emitter"
					"S": {
						"tag": "forge:ingots/steel"
					"F": {
						"tag": "forge:solenoid"
					"G": {
						"item": "minecraft:glowstone_dust"
					"M": {
						"item": "numina:component_wiring"
					"O": {
						"item": "numina:component_solenoid"
				"result": {
					"item": "numina:component_ion_thruster"
			"conditions": [
					"type": "forge:tag_empty",
					"tag": "forge:ingots/steel"
			"recipe": {
				"type": "minecraft:crafting_shaped",
				"pattern": [
					" FS",
					"IG ",
				"key": {
					"F": {
						"item": "numina:component_field_emitter"
					"S": {
						"tag": "forge:solenoid"
					"G": {
						"tag": "forge:dusts/glowstone"
					"W": {
						"item": "numina:component_wiring"
					"I": {
						"tag": "forge:ingots/iron"
				"result": {
					"item": "numina:component_ion_thruster"

Looking at the first condition listed, the condition is for forge:ingots/copper to be defined, but then the recipe itself uses forge:ingots/steel. As a result, since I have Copper ingots defined but not Steel, the recipe can't load.

The fix should be easy (Just swap either the condition or the recipe to use the same as the other), but I don't know if there's anywhere in the repo here I can change to submit a pull request. I've already confirmed that making this change should fix the issue.