


[1.20.1] Crusher spirit gives up barriers

sanik opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
Crusher spirit gives up barriers when crushing various materials such as gold

To Reproduce
Video: https://centurymine.net/6627053996697.mp4

Expected behavior
Obviously from the video above

System (please complete the following information):

  • Occultism Version: 1.20.1-1.131.1.jar
  • OS: Windows 11
  • Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
  • Modpack Link and Version, or list of mods:
    Inside mods: (3) -> [minecraft, forge, mohist]
    Client-only mods: (2) -> [textrues_embeddium_options, mythicbotany]
    Server-only mods: (0) -> []
    All mods: (78) -> [smartbrainlib, cyclopscore, rhino, blue_skies, geckolib, sophisticatedstorage, productivelib, cmfixed, sophisticatedcore, cmcore, waystones, structory, placebo, citadel, naturescompass, artifacts, evilcraft, evilcraftcompat, cmsync, libx, cmworld, mixinextras, sophisticatedbackpacks, apotheosis, iceandfire, balm, cmbukkit, cloth_config, forge, mohist, twilightforest, structure_gel, mythicbotany, minecraft, voicechat, terrablender, biomesoplenty, jade, structurecompass, timeout_fixes, cmhelper, forbidden_arcanus, spectrelib, botania, roughlyenoughitems, cmapi, curios, ars_nouveau, patchouli, polymorph, ars_elemental, attributeslib, modonomicon, constructionwand, architectury, kubejs, ftblibrary, itemfilters, ftbteams, ftbquests, ftbxmodcompat, vampirism, teamlapenlib, vampirism_integrations, vampiresneedumbrellas, werewolves, godly_vampirism, lootr, occultism, ars_ocultas, productivebees, cmmisc, textrues_embeddium_options, reeses_sodium_options, t_and_t, expandability, valhelsia_core, cristellib]


This is a common issue with certain kubejs setups. Can you try to run /reload to see if it fixes it?

If so, please join discord, the FAQ channel has a kubejs script to automate this for you on each load.


@klikli-dev It worked in the logs and showed this: https://pastes.dev/4GHoKcpjF1 but everything worked! You can send a link to the message in the Discord to automate the fix and also ping when and if there is a normal solution!



A permanent fix is not expected currently as we've been unable to trace down the exact reason and it doesn't reproduce in the dev environment. But the fix is without any big side effects :)


Hello, can you provide a snippet of this script or update your discord invitation link please ?
cheers :)