


Chalk Bag

klikli-dev opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • CONSIDER: make chalks unbreakable after the many-color-pentacle rework

  • add "ritual ingredients" tag that filters what can go into the satchel

  • add chalk bag item, holds chalks

  • on bag use, clientside, check for modonomicon pentacle preview on the clicked block, and if it is a chalk, send that info to the server

  • on bag use, serverside, use the selected chalk if available

  • if not, print error

  • modonomicon needs to expose client side preview info to api

  • possible T2: try to place all chalks in the entire preview, IF placeable (no blocker, solid ground below)

    • addon: support all ritual ingredients (not just chalks, also blockitems?)
    • addon: "collect" ritual ingredients and erase chalk by clicking golden bowl?
  • in-game documentation

  • crafting

    • first tier after the substantial satchel, maybe djinni tier?
    • second tier after first, maybe afrit?
  • Check TODOs in code