


[1.20.1] Not Enough Crashes - Suggestion Page Breaks Game

kanapuro opened this issue ยท 7 comments


What happened?

On 1.20.1 using Oculus and Not Enough crashes, I am greeted with a warning screen upon opening the game stating that Not Enough Crashes is dangerous and not supported. It suggests MixinTrace, which is not available for Forge 1.20.1. Alternative mods suggested are also not available for 1.20.1. The "Continue Without Support" function does not work, meaning that if I don't remove Not Enough Crashes, Oculus completely prevents me from opening the game.


Clicking "Continue Without Support" does not let me access my game.

Relevant log output

No response

Minecraft Version


Oculus Version


Rubidium Version


Operating System

Windows 10

What is your GPU?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti (Version 536.67)

Java Version


Additional context

No response


For the love of God, Oculus, remove your stupid fucking warning message. Nobody asked and nobody cares.

Not Enough Crashes works just fine for me!! Your warning message is the real issue here!


not enough crashes is a horrible mod

it fixes nothing and just creates more problems

if your game crashes and the mod prevents it your game is now cooked, since the initial crash likely prevented other mods from doing things they need to do etc

most likely it will just crash again


There are no alternatives to Not Enough Crashes, and Not Enough Crashes has never created any visible issues. I would understand fully if you could give me an example of a genuine issue it creates beyond just being an inconvenient tool. However when I removed Oculus, my game worked PERFECTLY - not a single crash, and my only other previous crash was related to another mod. Oculus is the issue here. If you are going to completely break my game just to keep me from using a functioning tool and not provide an updated (1.20.1 FORGE) alternative, then I am not going to use this mod. It's currently sitting on my desktop awaiting an update to fix this unhelpful error message, or for someone to provide me with an alternative crash logger tool for 1.20.1 Forge.


im not the dev lol
nobody cares if you dont use this mod


I'm sorry if my wording was hostile and I understand that you don't care. I'm just trying to explain why the bug is frustrating and why people like myself who haven't used Oculus can't understand why it would be worth deleting what appears to be a functioning mod when nobody is giving any sort of proof that Not Enough Crashes is causing issues. It's frustrating seeing literally tens to possibly hundreds of people like myself having the same exact issue and getting dead silence from the creator.
If Not Enough Crashes truly is a seriously dangerous mod, I would really appreciate for details on how and why, and for an explanation as to whether or not its worth deleting it and having basically no backup for 1.20.1 Forge crash logging just for the sake of using Oculus.
Again sorry for chattering so much, I just really want to understand this situation better and resolve the issue. Oculus looks like a very interesting mod and I want to find a way to make it compatible with my current modpack without leaving the users of my modpack hanging with no crash log support.


I'm not sorry


@kanapuro IrisShaders#1802

You may find similar discussions by searching for "not enough crashes' in their issues section. Iris's devs seem to dislike Not Enough Crashes and Oculus is a port of Iris.