DivineRPG (Official)

DivineRPG (Official)


Mob AI is erratic

krwminer opened this issue ยท 0 comments


PeacefulUntilAttacked mobs "get in your face" when you approach them and will not leave your side after that point. (Even if you try and run away from them). This was not how it was in the original DRPG.

Also, I have noted a strange "delay" of attack behavior. Wildfires do not attack melee or fire arrows sometimes when you get close. Then all of the sudden decide to attack.

I attacked an Eden Cadillion. It got mixed up in group of other Cadillions. I approached the group and walked among them for about 10 seconds then suddenly the "angry" Cadillion attacked me.

I have known about this for a while, but wanted to get all the spawning squared away before we looked at this.